Outside the Box: Looking Back at “Breakfast with Chad”

 In the first half of this year, I ran a reguler seri of fictional encounters with a friend called Chad, a nick-name I attributed to ChatGPT. I was seeking to understand how we could use this simulator of human thought in ways that could be truly helpful in a learning context. king88bet Login Alternatif

Many of us have become familier with the tool, which is still evolving. It's time to explore more deeply the role it will play in our future lives. king88bet Login

he ancient Greeks understood that to philosophize or simply to seek to understand the complexity of reality, dialogue should be the privileged medium. Socrates didn't even consider writing presumably because, to his mind, it interrupted the spontaneous flow of thinking that takes place in dialogue. King88Bet Situs Slot Online

Fortunately, Plato had an exceptionally good memori and was himself an inventive writer. He used his close association with Socrates to reconstruct and further elaborate the dialogues he witnessed in his mentor's presence.

Scholars of philosophy have become pretty good at separating Socrates' orisinal thought from the elements that Plato added to it and that reflected Plato's spesial way of understanding the universe. But Plato never intervenes directly in his scripts of the dialogues. He merges his own thinking with that of Socrates.

Western philosophy as an objek of studi was born from Plato's successful initiative of formulating deep, wide ranging thinking as dialogue. Plato's own star pupil, Aristotle, continued the tradition as a "peripatetic," who philosophized, not by lecturing in a classroom, but while walking around the grounds of his Lyceum engaged in conversation with his students.

Alas, we not only have no trace of the konten of these dialogues; the considerable corpus we call Aristotle's writings are for the most part the reformulation of his teachings composed by some of his students.

What the Greek pengalaman of nearly two and a half millennia ago should tell us is that the most serious.


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